Somatic Coaching
What is it?
Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is a body-oriented practice developed to resolve trauma and other stress disorders. In my Somatic Coaching practice, I do traditional SE trauma-resolution sessions, and I also adapt the tools of SE for broader applications. Purely SE sessions are a space for slowing down, tending to what the whole of our system is asking for, and restoring a deeper sense of wellbeing. We will re-train the nervous system to release physiological activation and settle, instead of holding tension and blockages.
Our bodies are always seeking equilibrium and, given the opportunity and support, will find ways to move in that direction and release what is compromising the health of the system. SE supports us to cultivate using our conscious attention to gently unwind a wide range of sensations and stored tension in the body, thereby increasing a sense of inner wholeness and freedom. The tools of SE help us re-establish fluidity in accessing the full range of nervous system function so we feel a greater sense of harmony and mastery in our everyday lives.
What's involved in a Somatic coaching Session?
After our initial 15 minute discovery call, your sessions will be tailored to your needs. I adapt the tools of Somatic Experiencing®, my primary modality,
for broader liberation and life coaching work that can include addressing wholistic improvement on many levels of health including mental, spiritual, physical, emotional, and behavioral.
We will explore opportunities to metabolize stuck aspects of the nervous system to regain balance and resilience. By making space to unwind incomplete defensive responses and rewire outdated beliefs, we increase access to vital energy.
These sessions may be online, or may be scheduled outdoors in a natural setting or as a walk. Sessions may include recommendations for movement, meditations, mindset practices, chant, exercises in nature, herbs, personalized ceremony, etc.
What My Clients Say
"I highly recommend Marisa as a Somatic Coach! Her presence is attuned, kind and potent. I have worked with her for many years and found great benefit to our sessions. She is able to guide me towards greater embodiment and helps me find insights into difficult problems. I appreciate the depth of study and practice and her commitment to social and ecological health. She's the real deal!"